Too Much Shaft Lean When Addressing The Golf Ball? 3 Causes and An Easy Fix

It is not uncommon for golfers, especially beginners, to struggle with finding the proper shaft placement when addressing the golf ball. Meaning that the angle of the shaft is out of place relative to the golf ball when the golfer lines up to hit the ball.

Why is this important? The angle of the shaft is essential in determining the direction and trajectory of the shot. Even a small difference in angle can have a big impact on the shot’s results.

Too much shaft lean can lead to several issues, including poor ball striking and lss of power. Golfers will struggle to make solid contact with the ball if the shaft is leaning too far in any direction. When not properly angled, shots may be inconsistent and difficult to achieve the desired distance and trajectory.

Furthermore, if the clubface is open or closed and the angle of attack is not optimal, the ball will not fly straight, and the golfer will miss the target.

Correcting the golf shaft’s position when addressing the ball can make a huge difference in your game. In the article below, we will explore the 3 main causes of too much shaft lean at address and discuss some solutions for correcting this issue. We have a lot to cover so let’s get started!

3 Causes Of Too Much Shaft Learn When Address The Golf Ball

Incorrect Grip

An improper grip is one of the key contributors to excessive shaft lean at address. The shaft of the club may lean significantly towards the target if the golfer’s grip is too weak. This means the golfer’s hands are rotated on the club too far to the left for a right-handed player.

On the other side, a tight grip might cause the shaft to veer away from the target if the hands are rotated too much to the right on the club. The golfer will have a difficult time making firm contact with the ball in either scenario.

Poor Posture

Inappropriate posture is another frequent reason for excessive shaft lean during address. The shaft may slant in the wrong direction if the golfer is too erect or too hunched over. At address, the golfer should stand with his or her feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent to maintain a balanced, athletic posture.

Incorrect Golf Club Length

The length of the golfer’s clubs is another variable that may cause excessive shaft tilt during address. The shaft may lean in an unnatural manner if the clubs are too long or short for the golfer’s height. Golfers should have clubs that are suitably sized for their bodies and swing patterns.

How To Fix Too Much Shaft Learn When Address The Golf Ball

So, how can golfers correct excessive shaft lean at address? One answer is to work on strengthening the grip. This may entail consulting a qualified instructor or experimenting with various grip sizes and styles. Golfers can also concentrate on keeping good posture at address and making sure their clubs are fitted properly.

Final Thoughts

Excessive shaft lean at address can be caused by a variety of factors. These include an incorrect grip, bad posture, and poorly fitting clubs. An incorrect grip can cause the golfer to rotate the clubface excessively, resulting in excessive lean. A bad posture can cause an unbalanced stance, causing the golfer to lean too far in any direction.

In addition, poorly fitted clubs can cause the golfer to adjust their posture in an unnatural way to accommodate the clubs, resulting in excessive lean.

Golfers can take action to correct excessive shaft lean and improve their overall performance by addressing these issues. They can begin by assessing their grip, determining whether it is too weak or too strong, and making adjustments accordingly.

They must also concentrate on maintaining proper posture at the podium, standing with their feet shoulder-width apart and their knees slightly bent, in a balanced and athletic position.

Golfers must also ensure that their clubs are properly fitted to their body type and swing style, so that the length and weight of the club can aid in alignment and control.

Finally, golfers can seek the guidance and drills of a qualified teacher, who can assess their swing, identify grip, posture, or club fitting issues that may be causing the excessive lean, and provide guidance and drills to help them improve.

Golfers can work to correct excessive shaft lean at address and improve their overall performance on the course by understanding and addressing these issues.

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