5 Reasons Golfers Lose Distance On Their Irons

Golfers of all ability levels know the importance of distance when it comes to shooting a low round. Lower scores, and overall success on the golf course, are typically a result of superior distance and accuracy with a player’s irons.

Unfortunately, the opposite happens when players start to lose distance. Players will typically struggle as they lose distance in their irons.

In the article below, we will explore the reasons why golfers lose distance with their irons along with practical advice for increasing your distance. We have a lot to cover so let’s jump in!  

Poor Impact Position

One of the most common reasons for golfers losing distance with their irons is a poor impact position. The impact position is the point at which the clubhead makes contact with the ball during the downswing. Golfers who make contact with the ball too soon or too late in the downswing will end up losing power and distance.

When the impact position is too early, the clubhead tends to meet the ball before the hands are in the proper position, causing the ball to fly to the left or right. When the impact position is too late, the clubhead tends to enter the ball after the hands are in the proper position, causing the ball to pop up or hit low.

Incorrect Swing Plane

Another common reason for golfers losing distance with their irons is an incorrect swing plane. A swing plane that is too flat or too upright can have a negative impact on the ball’s distance.

When the swing plane is too flat, the clubhead enters the ball at a steep angle, causing the ball to fly to the left or right. When the swing plane is too upright, the clubhead enters the ball at a shallow angle, causing the ball to pop up or strike low.

Incorrect Swing Path

An incorrect swing path is another common reason for golfers losing distance with their irons. Like an improper swing plane, a swing path that is too inside or too outside can have a negative impact on the shot’s direction and distance.

When the swing path is too inside, the clubhead enters the ball at an excessively steep angle, causing the ball to shoot off to the left or right. When the swing path is too far outside, the clubhead enters the ball at a shallow angle, causing the ball to pop up or hit low.

Improper Club Fitting

When it comes to iron distance, club fitting is another important factor to consider. Loft and lie angles are important factors in determining how far golfers can hit their irons.

Golfers with too upright or too flat irons may struggle to generate enough power and distance. When it comes to iron distance, shaft flex and length are also important considerations. Golfers with too stiff or too long shafts may struggle to generate power and distance.

Physical Limitations

Physical limitations can also influence iron distance. Golfers may lose some of their strength and flexibility as they age. Power and distance are dependent on strength and flexibility. Golfers who are out of shape may have difficulty producing power and distance with their irons. Iron distance can also be affected by age and injury.

Poor physical conditioning can result in a lack of strength in the core and upper body, reducing power and distance on the golf swing. A golfer’s ability to generate power and maintain a consistent swing can also be hampered by a lack of flexibility in the muscles and joints.

To improve physical condition, golfers can work on developing a consistent exercise regimen that focuses on strength training, flexibility, and injury prevention. Incorporating exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, planks, and yoga can help to build a strong and flexible body that can generate more power and distance on the golf course. Additionally, golfers should consult a physical therapist or trainer to create a personalized plan that addresses their specific needs.

How To Improve Iron Distance

Improving swing mechanics is one of the best ways to improve iron distance. Golfers can work on maintaining the proper swing plane and path by using swing aids and practicing with a coach or instructor. Impact position is another key component of good swing mechanics.

Golfers can improve their impact position by using impact bags or other impact training aids. Club fitting is another important step in improving iron distance. Golfers can work with a club fitter to find the right loft and lie angle for their irons.

Golfers can also work with a club fitter to find the right shaft flex and length for their irons. Physical conditioning is also an important aspect of improving iron distance.

Golfers can also work with a physical therapist to prevent injuries and maintain good physical health. They can also improve their strength and flexibility by working with a personal trainer.

For a more DIY approach, golfers can add golf specific exercises into their regular workout routine.


A variety of factors, such as physical constraints, club fitting, and swing mechanics, can influence iron distance.

Golfers can increase their iron distance and overall performance on the course by being aware of these aspects and taking action to enhance their swing mechanics, club fitting, and physical condition.

To maximize iron distance, keep in mind that appropriate technique and club fitting are essential, so take the time to improve your game, whether it is through practice or working with pros.

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