Is 90 A Good Golf Score? How To Tell

A golfer’s performance on the course is determined in large part by their score. A player’s score serves as a barometer for measuring their progress over time as well as in comparison to other golfers.

The definition of a good golf score, particularly for beginners, is not always obvious. In the article below, we will look at whether a round of 90 is considered a good golf score. We have a lot to cover so let’s get started!

What is a Good Golf Score?

First, let’s establish the basics of what determines a golfer’s score at the end of a round of golf. The number of strokes taken on each hole are summed up to determine a player’s score.

Today’s golf courses typically total up to a par of 72 consisting of ten par 4s, four par 3s, and four par 5s. While this is the most common configuration, it’s not uncommon for courses deviate from this standard.

Ok, so now that we know what determines a score, lets see what makes a good score. A “good” golf score is relative measurement. For elite golfers, 90 would be a terrible round. However, shooting a 90 is a respectable round for an average golfer.

Ultimately, a good golf score comes down to your skill level, course difficulty, and your expectations. Beginners may consider a score of 100-110 good, intermediate players may consider 75-90 to be good, and advanced players may consider 70s or lower as a good round of golf.

Is 90 a Good Golf Score?

Shooting 90 is a great round for a beginner, a decent round for an intermediate player, and an awful round for advanced platers. However, not all rounds of 90 are created equal.

A score of 90 on a course may not tell the full story of how a golfer played. Golfers need to consider the difficulty of a course when comparing their rounds. To normalize scores between courses, players can use their handicap.

golfer score card


The handicap of a golfer is an indicator of their level of skill. It is used to change their scores in accordance with how challenging the course is that they are playing. Players with varying skill levels can compete on an even playing field when normalizing their scores using their handicaps.

To determine a handicap, a golfer’s scores from previous rounds are averaged and adjusted based on the difficulty of the courses played. The resulting handicap indicates the number of strokes the player is predicted to score on a typical round, either above or below par.

A golfer’s handicap, which is stated as a whole or a half number, is used to decide how many strokes they receive in a competition or whether they are eligible for a particular event.

Handicaps allow golfers of different skill levels to compete fairly and can also be used to track a golfer’s progress over time.

How Long Does It Take Someone To Shoot A Round of 90?

New golfers can acquire the skill and experience necessary to shoot a round of 90 in a couple months or years. To be able to shoot a 90, golfers need to develop their skills from tee to green. Missing any of the crucial skills such as putting, chipping, approach and tee shots will prevent golfers from shooting a decent round in the low 90s.

To improve your golf score, golfers must practice on a regular basis. For best results, players should seek professional coaching and focus on all aspects of your game from tee to green. Golf lessons are a great place to start. Your local golf professional will be most suited to assist you in improving your game and optimizing equipment.

man teaching girl how to putt

What Skills Must A Player Have To Shoot A 90?

Golfers who can shoot in the mid-90s need to have certain skills to play at that level. Below we outlined what allows a player to shoot a score of 90.

  • They can hit fairways | While not always consistent, they can hit fairways regularly
  • They hit good approach shots | They hit multiple greens in regulation during a round
  • They can chip/pitch well | They understand the fundamentals of a good short game, although they may not hit every shot how they would like to
  • They are decent putters | They often two put and keep three puts to a minimum
  • They know how to scramble | When they do hit a bad shot, they keep their composure and make a good next shot
  • They limit the amount of lost balls

Final Thoughts

A score of 90 is generally considered good for a newer player, disappointing for an advanced player, and below average for the typical golfer.

However, a good golf score depends on a golfer’s skill level, the course difficulty, and personal goals. Start or use your current handicap to best judge your round.

To improve your score, you will need to practice all areas of your game. Strive to improve your scores over time and enjoy the wonderful game of golf.

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