6 Tips For Breaking In New Golf Shoes (Prevent Blistering!)

If you enjoy a physical activity or sport such as running, football, or basketball, you almost undoubtedly have experienced blisters.

Anyone who has had a blister knows that, while a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, they can be a huge pain and can prevent you from doing the activities you love.

While blisters may seem reserved for more physical activities, it is common to get them on the course. Plenty of golfers suffer from blisters, particularly when playing in new golf shoes.

In the article below, we are going to look at ways in which we can break in new golf shoes to avoid those dreaded new shoe blisters. 

Why Do Golf Shoes Cause Blisters? 

There are a few reasons why you may get blisters from your new golf shoes. The shoes may be poorly fitted or too small in certain areas, which can cause blistering. 

Simply put brand new shoes are not worn in. This can cause friction in high pressure point areas which can easily lead to blistering, particularly around the heel area.

How Long Will It Take For Golf Shoes To Break In? 

Gone are the days of the really tough and uncomfortable golf shoes. Nowadays golf shoes are designed with optimum comfort in mind. However, that doesn’t mean that a new pair doesn’t take a little time to break in.

When you get a new pair of golf shoes, it can take a few rounds before they feel just right. Think of it as your feet and the shoes becoming properly acquainted.

They’re both hesitant at first, but after a short while, they ease up and the conversation starts to flow. 

You should take it easy in your new golf shoes when you first get them. Don’t play on courses that are really hard to navigate. Try to play on courses that don’t put too much pressure on your feet.

This will allow your shoes to soften and adapt to your feet. After a few rounds, they should be ready for all golfing challenges. 

Should Your Golf Shoes Be Tight When You First Buy Them? 

A new pair of shoes can always feel a little tight, but there’s a difference between being a little on the tight side because they’re brand new and haven’t been worn and shoes that are actually too tight.

Your golf shoes should not be too snug. Why? Because comfort is key. If your shoes aren’t comfortable, then you won’t be able to deliver your best in terms of performance. 

How tight should your new golf shoes be? They should be a nice snug fit without being uncomfortable. Alternatively, they shouldn’t feel too loose, too long or too wide. 

6 Tips For Breaking In New Golf Shoes 

There are several things that you can do to break in your golf shoes to avoid the uncomfortableness of blisters, but these are six of best, and more importantly, six of the easiest. 

1.) Choose The Right Shoe Size And Width 

Choosing the right shoe is important. Choose an option that offers both comfort and the right level of support for your feet. After all, golf shoes are the foundations on which your game is built. 

Make sure that the shoes hit the mark in terms of length. You don’t want golf shoes that are too small lengthwise and are crushing your toes. Likewise, shoes that are too long won’t do the job either. 

Width is essential too. If your shoes are too tight width wise, then you’ll almost definitely get blisters. Choosing shoes that are the correct width is essential. 

2.) Walk With Them In Short Spurts

Your feet are the best way to break your new golf shoes in. Try them in short spurts around your house. Maybe walk with them for a few minutes here and there before you take them to the golf course.

If you have a lawn, maybe get used to walking on grass in your new golf shoes prior to stepping out on the course too. 

3.) Wear Proper, Thick Socks 

Wearing proper socks suitable for golf is key. There are socks that have been designed with golf in mind, socks that are ideal for those long rounds.

You can also get hold on anti blister socks. These are perfect for golfers who have concerns about their feet blistering as a result of wearing new golf shoes. 

4.) Use A Shoe Stretcher

Another way to prevent blistering is to stretch your golf shoes before you use them. This can be done by using a shoe stretcher.

Shoe stretchers can be (relatively) cheaply bought online, whilst plenty of sport shops stock shoe stretchers too.

Nowadays, you can even get hold of shoe stretchers that have been designed with golf shoes in mind. Plenty of online golf retailers stock such shoe stretchers. 

Don’t forget to stretch your shoes over time, and not all at once. Use the shoe stretcher for short periods of time.

Walk in them for a few paces after a short period of stretching and they should start to feel great in no time at all. 

5.) Bend And Work Your Shoes To Be More Flexible

It might sound a bit simple, but sometimes the simplest fixes are the most effective. New shoes can often be softened and prepared for first time use simply by bending and playing around with them.

Use your hands to bend your shoes and loosen them up before slipping your feet in.

6.) Tape Up Troubled Areas Of Your Feet 

You can combat blisters before they occur by taping up your feet. Let’s say for example you’re worried that your new golf shoes will cause blistering on your feet, and you’re worried because it’s happened before.

Apply tape to the areas of the foot that will likely be affected. This will ease any friction and should allow you to remain blister free during the breaking-in period. 

Final Thoughts? 

Blisters can not only be painful, but can ruin whatever it is you’re doing. If you’re playing a round of golf, which can often take 4-5 hours, the last thing you want is blisters on any part of your foot. 

Purchasing the right golf shoes is key, as is making sure that they’re the right fit. Essentially, do the things that can be done, and can be done quite simply, to get your new golf shoes ready for play.

Not only will they feel better, but your feet will soon thank you, when you get through your first few rounds blister free!

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