Golf Carry Vs Total Distance | Know The Differences

Knowing your golf yardage in golf is very important. Skilled golfers know the distance they will hit a certain club within a yard or two.

Golf yardage is can be broken out into two distinct categories, total yardage and carry yardage.   

Understanding these two measurements is crucial for making strategic decisions on the course.

In the article below, we will deep dive into the distinction between total and carry yardage, exploring why it matters and how it can impact your game.

We will also discuss factors to consider when deciding whether to focus on carry distance or total distance. We have a lot to cover so lets get started!

What Is The Difference Between Total And Carry Golf Yardage?

Total yardage and carry yardage are two important measurements related to the distance a golfer hits the ball.

Here’s a breakdown of the difference between the two:

Total yardage: Total yardage refers to the overall distance a golf ball travels during a shot. It includes both the carry distance and any roll or bounce the ball may have after it lands on the fairway or the green.

Carry Yardage: Carry yardage, on the other hand, is the distance a golf ball travels through the air before landing.

It quantifies the distance between the point of impact (usually the tee) and the first point the ball makes contact with the ground.

Carry yardage is especially crucial when a golfer must carry over hazards such as water, bunkers, or rough to reach the targeted landing spot.

The distinction between total yardage and carry yardage is crucial because it helps golfers plan their shots strategically.

For example, if a golfer knows they can hit the ball a certain carry distance but need additional roll to reach the green, they can adjust their club selection and shot strategy accordingly.

Should I Look At Carry Distance Or Total Distance?

Focusing on carry distance or total distance depends on various factors. Below are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

Hazards and Obstacles: If the golf hole features hazards like water bodies, bunkers, or rough that you need to carry over, then carry distance becomes crucial.

In such situations, you’ll want to ensure that your ball carries the hazard safely to reach the desired landing area. Paying attention to carry distance helps you plan your shot and club selection accordingly.

Course Layout and Strategy: Understanding the overall design and strategy of the golf course can influence your decision.

Some courses may have narrow fairways, doglegs, or strategically placed bunkers, where focusing on accuracy and carrying specific distances can be more important than simply maximizing total distance.

In such cases, prioritizing carry distance may help you navigate the course strategically and position yourself better for subsequent shots.

Your Skill Level and Consistency: Consider your own skill level and consistency in hitting the ball. If you’re a beginner or struggle with consistency, it may be more beneficial to focus on improving your carry distance.

By focusing on solid ball striking and hitting your clubs to their intended distances, you can gain better control over your shots and improve your overall game.

Green Accessibility: If you have a high level of accuracy and can consistently hit your desired landing areas, paying attention to total distance becomes more relevant.

This is especially true if the course conditions allow for good roll and bounce, as total distance considers the carry distance plus the distance the ball travels after it lands.

Maximizing total distance can provide you with shorter approach shots to the green, potentially increasing your chances of scoring well.

What Is The Average Driver Carry Distance?

Understanding your carry distance is important in all golf shots, but knowing your driver carry may be the most important number to know.

The average driver carry distance can vary significantly depending on several factors, including a golfer’s skill level, physical ability, swing speed, and equipment. However, I can provide you with some general statistics based on different player categories:

Professional Golfers: Professional golfers, such as those on the PGA Tour, typically have impressive driver carry distances. On average, their carry distances can range from around 280 to 320 yards. It’s important to note that these are highly skilled players with exceptional swing speeds and ball-striking abilities.

Advanced/Scratch Golfers: Advanced or scratch golfers, who have a high skill level and lower handicap, generally have good driver carry distances. Their average carry distances can range from approximately 240 to 275 yards.

Average Golfers: The average golfer, encompassing a broad range of skill levels, typically has a more modest driver carry distance. The average driver carry distance for recreational or club-level golfers is approximately 200 to 230 yards. However, it’s important to remember that this is a general range, and individual results may vary.

Final Thoughts

The difference between total and carry golf yardage lies in the inclusion of roll and bounce. Total yardage accounts for the entire distance a ball travels, including carry and subsequent roll or bounce after landing.

Carry yardage specifically measures the distance the ball travels through the air before making contact with the ground.

Golfers should consider several factors when deciding whether to focus on carry distance or total distance, such as hazards, course layout, skill level, and green accessibility.

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