Beginners Guide To Aimpoint Putting | Plus 5 Easy Ways To Learn

During the past decade, Aimpoint putting has grown in popularity on the golf course. Aimpoint putting is a common technique used by both professional and amateur golfers to read greens and sink more putts.

This putting method allows players to feel the subtle slopes of the green, helping them to correctly analyze the pace and break of their putts. So, whether you’ve been suffering on the greens or want to improve your golf game, Aimpoint putting could be the system for you!

In the article below, we’ll explore the basics of Aimpoint Putting, its benefits, and how you can learn to use it on the course. We have a lot to cover so let’s jump in!

Understanding the Basics of Aimpoint Putting

Aimpoint Putting is an innovative putting technique that helps golfers read greens with greater accuracy and confidence. Unlike traditional methods that rely on visual inspection and guesswork, Aimpoint Putting uses a precise mathematical formula to determine the ideal aim point for any given putt.


The technique was developed by Mark Sweeney, a former software engineer and avid golfer. Drawing on his background in mathematics and physics, Sweeney created a system for calculating the slope and speed of a green and using that information to identify the optimal aim point for a putt.

Sweeney first introduced Aimpoint Putting in 2007 and it has since gained widespread recognition and adoption among golfers of all skill levels.

The concept of “green reading” is key to Aimpoint Putting. A golfer can determine the direction and amount of break on a putt by examining the slope and speed of the green.

This enables the golfer to choose the best aim point that will guide the ball along the right route and eventually into the hole.

A golfer must first determine the slope of the green in order to use Aimpoint Putting properly. This is usually accomplished by standing behind the ball and inspecting the slope from various angles.

After determining the slope, the golfer can use their fingertips to measure the slope. Next the golfer will estimate the amount of break that the putt will encounter.

The golfer then calibrates their impression of the slope with their feet. The golfer may gain a more accurate sense of the slope and modify their aim point by standing in different locations around the ball and feeling the slope with their feet.

Lastly, the golfer makes the putt using a combination of their estimated aim point and their natural putting stroke. The golfer may strike the ball with confidence and maximize their chances of making the shot by considering the slope, pace, and distance of the putt.

Putter and golf ball

The Benefits of Using Aimpoint Putting

Aimpoint Putting should increase a golfer’s putting accuracy and consistency, which is one of its key advantages. Golfers may eliminate the guesswork involved in putting by utilizing a consistent strategy for reading greens and making more informed judgments about their strokes. This can result in fewer three-putts and lower total scores.

Aimpoint Putting will also assist golfers better read greens. Golfers can spot small breaks and change their aim point by considering the slope and pace of the green. This is especially useful on fast or undulating greens where the break of the putt may not be immediately apparent.

5 Ways To Learn Aimpoint Putting

If you’re interested in improving your putting skills and want to learn the revolutionary technique of Aimpoint Putting, there are several resources available to help you get started. From in-person clinics to online courses, here are some tips for learning Aimpoint Putting:

1. Find a Certified Aimpoint Instructor

Working with a certified Aimpoint instructor is one of the best ways to learn the technique. An instructor can provide personalized feedback and help you refine your technique. You can find a list of certified instructors on the Aimpoint website.

2. Attend an In-Person Clinic

In-person clinics are a great way to learn Aimpoint Putting and get hands-on instruction from a certified instructor. Clinics can range from a few hours to a full day or more and cover topics such as green reading, slope calibration, and putting techniques. Check with your local golf course or visit the Aimpoint website for information on upcoming clinics in your area.

3. Take an Online Course

Online courses are another popular option for learning Aimpoint Putting. There are several courses available, including those offered by Aimpoint itself. Online courses typically consist of a series of video lessons and may include quizzes and practice exercises. They can be completed at your own pace and provide a flexible way to learn the technique.

4. Watch Instructional Videos

There are many instructional videos available online that can help you learn Aimpoint Putting. These videos can range from brief tutorials to in-depth analyses of the technique. They can be a helpful supplement to in-person instruction or online courses and provide a convenient way to review specific aspects of the technique.

5. Practice on the Putting Green

To become proficient in Aimpoint Putting, you’ll need to spend several hours practicing on the green. This involves calibrating your perception of slope using your feet, estimating the amount of break for a putt, and using your calculated aim point to make the putt. Practice regularly and focus on developing consistency in your technique.

Learning Aimpoint Putting can take time and effort, but with the right resources and practice, it can help you improve your putting skills and lower your scores. Whether you choose to attend an in-person clinic, take an online course, or work with a certified instructor, the key is to stay committed and keep practicing.

Tips for Using Aimpoint Putting on the Course

After learning Aimpoint Putting, the next step is to effectively apply the technique on the course. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

1. Consider the Speed and Slope of the Green

When reading your putts with Aimpoint Putting, it’s important to take into account the speed and slope of the green. The amount of break that a putt will have depends on the slope of the green and the speed at which the ball is rolling. A faster putt will break less, while a slower putt will break more. Be sure to take these factors into consideration when calculating your aim point.

2. Be Prepared to Adjust Your Aim Point

The aim point you calculate with Aimpoint Putting may need to be adjusted based on the conditions and your own putting stroke. If the green is particularly fast or slow, you may need to adjust your aim point to compensate. Similarly, if you tend to pull or push your putts, you may need to adjust your aim point accordingly. Be prepared to make these adjustments as necessary to improve your chances of sinking the putt.

3. Practice Regularly

Like any golf technique, using Aimpoint Putting effectively requires practice. Regularly practicing your Aimpoint technique will help you build muscle memory and improve your consistency on the green. Set aside some time each week to practice your Aimpoint technique and focus on refining your skills.

4. Stay Confident

One of the keys to successful putting with Aimpoint is to stay confident in your read and technique. Once you’ve calculated your aim point, trust in your abilities and commit to your stroke. Second-guessing yourself or hesitating can lead to missed putts, so stay confident and focused on making the shot.

By taking these tips into consideration, you can improve your putting skills with Aimpoint and increase your chances of sinking those tricky putts. Remember to take into account the speed and slope of the green, be prepared to adjust your aim point as necessary, practice regularly, and stay confident in your technique.

Final Thoughts

Aimpoint Putting is an effective training method to assist golfers of all skill levels to improve their putting accuracy and consistency. Golfers using Aimpoint typically make better judgments and sink more putts by considering the slope, pace, and line of their putts. Consider learning Aimpoint putting and putting its ideas into practice on the course if you want to enhance your putting game.

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