4 Simple Ways To Clean Mold Off Your Golf Bag

If you are the type of golfer who only plays golf during the summer months, you probably do not give a lot of thought about your golf bag in the offseason.

At the end of season, many golfers quickly stash their golf bag away in their dark damp shed or garage. They forget all about their bag until the following year.

When the new season begins, they dig out their bag to find that it is covered in mold. Clearly this is not what you wanted to see before your first round of the year.

Obviously, you want to remove the mold from your bag, but you not know how and if mold can be removed from your bag.

If you find yourself in this dilemma, we are here to help you out. In the article below, we are going to cover the best to remove mold and mildew from your golf bag, how to prevent this from happening in the future, and everything else you need to know about moldy bags. We have a lot to cover so let’s jump in.

What Causes Mold To Grow On Your Bag

It’s important to understand the reasons why mold grows on bags. If you are doing something that is increasing the chances of mildew appearing on your golf bag, then it’s important to know how to avoid it in the future. After all, prevention is better than treatment.

Mold is a type of fungus that will grow in areas that are naturally damp and warm. Therefore, if you are leaving your golf bag in a shed in your garden for months on end then you are basically asking mold to grow on your bag. Therefore, if you are looking to prevent mold from ever appearing on your bag then carefully consider where you store it.

The best place to store your bag is in a temperature-controlled room in your house. We would recommend storing your bag in a dry corner of your basement or, better yet, in a spare guest room closet. If neither of these solutions are an option for you, you can also store your golf bag in a travel case to ensure its not exposed to moisture.

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Ideal for storage

Himal Soft Sided Golf Travel Bag

The Himal Soft Sided Golf Travel Bag is a versatile and durable travel bag that doubles as an excellent storage bag during the winter months . During the off-season, this durable and spacious bag provides protection and keeps your golf gear safe from the elements, ensuring your clubs are in perfect condition when spring arrives.

4 Ways To Clean Mold Off Your Golf Bag

There are four ways in which you can go about cleaning mold off your bag if you’d rather keep hold of the bag you have instead of purchasing a new one. They are as follows:

#1. Dish Soap

Dawn Dish Soap

Fed up with mold in your golf bag? Turn to Dawn Dish Soap to combat that stubborn problem. This versatile household product goes beyond the kitchen – it’s a potent mold remover. With a thorough cleaning using Dawn, you can bid farewell to unsightly mold and ensure a mold-free and fresh golf bag for your next round on the course.

Dish Soap Instructions:

  1. Empty your golf clubs from the bag.
  2. Pour some hot water into a bucket and then add two teaspoons of dish soap.
  3. Grab a sponge or a cloth and dip it into the bucket.
  4. Thoroughly scrub the mold with the warm, soapy water.
  5. Once all the mold has disappeared, leave the bag to dry in the sun.

#2. Distilled Vinegar

Distilled Vinegar

This common household ingredient boasts impressive mold-removal properties. A straightforward application or soak with distilled vinegar can efficiently eliminate stubborn mold, leaving your golf bag clean, fresh, and ready for your next game. Say goodbye to mold issues and ensure your golf bag remains in top condition with the help of distilled vinegar. Your golf gear deserves nothing less!

Vinegar Instructions

  1. Empty your golf clubs from the bag.
  2. Grab a cloth and pour some white vinegar on to. The cloth shouldn’t be dripping wet but wet enough to make an impact.
  3. Rub the cloth over the moldy areas of the bag until they start to disappear.
  4. Repeat this process until all the mold or mildew is gone.
  5. Rinse your bag with water.
  6. Leave the bag to dry in the sun.

#3. Magic eraser

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Eliminate mold from your golf bag with the help of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. This household essential is known to tackle mold problems with ease. A quick wipe with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser can effectively remove mold from your golf bag, ensuring it stays clean and fresh for your upcoming rounds. Bid adieu to mold issues and maintain your golf bag’s pristine condition using Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

Magic Eraser Instructions

  1. Empty your golf clubs from the bag.
  2. Dab a touch of water on to the magic eraser.
  3. Allow the bag to dry in either the sun or a dry room before using.
  4. Scrub the eraser over the moldy areas of the golf bag until they have ‘magically’ been erased.

#4. Baking Soda

Arm & Hammer Baking Soda

Banish mold from your golf bag by relying on Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. This household staple excels at tackling persistent mold issues. A simple application of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda inside your golf bag effectively eliminates mold, ensuring it remains clean and fresh for your next round on the course. Say goodbye to mold problems and preserve the condition of your golf bag with the help of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Your golf gear deserves nothing less!

Baking Soda Instructions

  1. Empty your golf clubs from the bag.
  2. Pour a cup of baking soda on your golf bag around the moldy or mildew areas.
  3. Grab a sponge and dampen it with water.
  4. Scrub the moldy area with the wet sponge, using the baking soda to remove the mold.
  5. Once the mold has disappeared, rinse off the leftover baking soda with water.
  6. Leave the bag out in the sun to dry.

Does The Material Type Determine How To Remove?

Golf bags come in a variety of designs and are made from a variety of materials. Due to that, certain cleaning methods are better for certain bags. If you’re looking for tailored methods for your bag, then look no further:

How To Remove Mold From Nylon Bag

Now-a-days, the majority of golf bags are made out of nylon bags, meaning many of you reading this are probably looking for instructions related specifically to this type of bag. For the best results, use the dish soap method or the magic eraser method to remove mold from a nylon bag.

Remove Mold From Canvas Bag

Canvas bags have become more and more popular on the golf course over the years due to the fact it is a waterproof material. This has meant that players have had one less thing to worry about when playing on a rainy day.

When it comes removing mold from a canvas golf bag, use either the baking soda method or the vinegar method that we outlined earlier.

How To Remove Mold From Leather Bag

On the flip side, leather golf bags are seen as a bit of a throwback these days. While many golfers prefer canvas or nylon bags, there are still many advantages to using a leather one – mainly the fact that they are incredibly durable.

If are still a proud owner of a leather golf bag, then we would recommend that you use the vinegar method to remove any mold from it.

Color Consideration

Golf bags come in all sorts of colors, from vibrant greens to plain blacks. The only consideration you must take when it comes to cleaning your bag or removing mold from it is whether it’s white or not.

If your golf bag is white then you can employ a fifth cleaning method, whereby you use watered down bleach to scrub away the mold. If your golf bag isn’t white, then don’t even consider bleach because it will cause the colors to run, and your bag will be ruined.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, there isn’t a one size fits all approach to removing mold from your golf bag. Fortunately, there are removal methods available for every possibility. Seeing mold on your bag is never the end of the world or your bag. We hope that our advice above will help you to get the mold and mildew removed from your bag so you can enjoy your bag for years to come.

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