Should A Beginner Get Fitted For Golf Clubs?

Starting out on your golfing journey can be overwhelming and confusing. What clubs should you buy, how much should you spend, and how to best learn the game are all hard questions to answer. The first place to start is picking out the right set of clubs, but this question still comes with its own challenges. Should you buy a standard set or build your own custom clubs? This may be surprising but getting fitted for clubs may be the best solution.  

Getting fitted for golf clubs as a beginner is the best way to jumpstart your golfing journey. If you are serious about learning the game and are willing to invest in your equipment, getting fitted for clubs will ensure that you are playing with clubs that fit your build and swing path. However, this approach is not necessary for all beginners. In the article below, we outline all you need to know about getting fitted for clubs as a beginner.

How Does Club Fitting Help A Beginner Golfer?

Getting fitted for clubs can come at a hefty price tag compared to stock clubs. It is a fair question to ask what you are getting for this additional investment. When you get fitted for golf clubs, you are able to purchase clubs that fit your swing path, swing speed, and ball trajectory. The fitting takes your body type, length, and strength into account to find the optimal clubs. Furthermore, you can try a wide variety of club variation when being fitted whereas stock clubs typically have one configuration. Although the differences in custom vs stock clubs may seem trivial, they have a huge impact once you are on the golf course.


Although I am not new to playing golf, I have taken close to a 10-year hiatus since picking golf back up two years ago. When I started to play again, I realized it was time to upgrade my clubs if I was going to take the game seriously again. As part of the upgrade, I decided it was worth the additional money to get fitted for new clubs. Getting fitted was hands down the best choice for me and my game. I’ve noticed the new clubs are more forgiving and offer superior distance and control. Anyone looking to kick start their game as a beginner should consider doing the same.

Are Custom Fitting Golf Clubs Worth The Money And Effort For Beginners?

Getting fitted for clubs can be an expensive and time-consuming process. However, new golfers that plan on playing the game for the long term can see serious benefit from fitted clubs. Club fittings optimize your golf game by ensuring you have the proper equipment for your swing. Knowing definitively that you have the right type of clubs can give you a tremendous amount of confidence when first starting the game.

How Long Do Golf Fittings Take For Beginners?

The time needed for golf club fitting varies by provider and the club(s) being fitted. You can expect a full bag fitting to take several hours whereas one club fitting will typically take about an hour. This may seem like a lot of time but in reality, it is a small price to pay. You will be spending hours and hours on the golf course so this small investment of time can really pay off. Take the time early in your golfing journey to start off in the right direction.

What Should A Beginner Do Prior To Getting Fitted?

A new golfer can go straight to a fitting prior to starting their golf journey, however, we would not recommend it. A beginner golfer should borrow clubs and play a few rounds prior to getting fitted. If possible, we would also recommend they take a couple lessons prior as well.

Getting this practice or feedback will help the new golfer understand the challenges in their swing and game. Getting fitted for clubs comes at a considerable expense so you want to be well prepared prior to the fitting.

What Is The Cost Of Getting Fitted and Do I Need To Buy My Clubs From Where I Get Fitted?

If you decide to get fitted, you may be wondering if you need to buy your fitted clubs from that establishment as well as the cost. Most golf fitting businesses do not require you to buy your clubs from them if you pay for a fitting fee ($100-$350.) Others will wave the fitting fee if you buy clubs directly through them.

Choosing to buy from you fitter will depending on the complexity of your club configuration and what you are willing to spend. Buying directly through the provider is typically more expensive, but it also much more convenient and they are willing to help you if you do not like the new clubs.

If you are looking for custom clubs without the high price tag, you can get fitted then buy your newly configured clubs online. Your fitting provider should provide you all the specifications that you need in your clubs. There are many online businesses that will build to order clubs on your specifications. The main downside of this is you are on your own once your order your clubs. If you don’t like the feel or fit, these online providers typically will not help.

Where Can I Get Fitted For Golf Clubs As A Beginner?

If you make the decision to get fitted, you have a couple different option of where to get it done. Golf Galaxy, Club Champion, and your local PGA professional can all fit you for your first golf set. Each of these providers has their own pros and cons. The big boxes stores typically have more technology where the local pros usually have better knowledge of the game.

When I was recently fitted for golf clubs, I chose to go with Club Champion. They offered stellar service, top notch tech, and delivered my clubs in under 8 weeks. That said, any of the above providers will do a great job on your fitting.

Who Should Not Get Fitted For Golf Clubs As A New Golfer?

Now that we know the benefits of getting fitted clubs as a beginner, when should someone not get fitted for clubs. Beginners that are unsure if they will enjoy the game or that plan on being causal players should not invest the time or money in getting fitted for clubs. While we know that getting fitted for clubs will improve your game, it will only be worth the investment if you plan on playing frequently.

New golfers that have an average build and frame also do not need to get fitted for clubs. Stock clubs will work fine for most new golfers as they are built to be played by many. There is no reason to spend the extra cash if you fit in this category.

Final Thoughts

Golfers that are serious about starting their new golfing hobby can really benefit from getting fitted for clubs. While not necessary for every new golfer, if you are excited about starting the game and are willing to spend the money and time, it can really make a difference.

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