Hitting The Golf Ball Too High? Here Are 6 Easy Fixes

Golf is a game of precision and consistency. Every facet of your swing can impact the outcome of your shot.

One common challenge many golfers face is hitting the ball too high. While soaring shots may look impressive, they often result in reduced distance, accuracy, and control.

In the article below, we give an overview of why golfers hit the ball too high as well as provide six practical solutions to help golfers overcome the problem. We have a lot to cover so let’s get started.

What Causes Golf Shots To Go To High?

Hitting the ball too high can be frustrating and lead to bad scores. Too high of a trajectory often leads to shots that lack distance and accuracy.

Several factors contribute to this problem, including swing mechanics, club selection, and impact position.

A steep swing angle, for instance, can launch the ball sky-high. Therefore, a thorough understanding of these factors is essential for finding effective solutions.

6 Easy Fixes To Hitting A Golf Ball Too High?

Below we cover six easy ways to fix hitting your shots too high. Let’s take a look.

Grip and Stance Adjustment

A solid foundation is the cornerstone of a successful golf swing. The grip and stance play crucial roles in influencing the ball’s trajectory.

Adjusting your grip can promote a more controlled and penetrating ball flight. A grip that is too weak or too strong can lead to open or closed clubfaces, affecting the loft at impact.

Similarly, altering your stance can influence the angle of attack, which determines the trajectory of the shot.

A narrower stance and slightly closed stance can help reduce excessive loft, leading to more consistent shots.

2. Focus on Swing Mechanics

Swing mechanics play a pivotal role in controlling ball flight. A steep swing angle, where the clubhead approaches the ball at a sharp angle, often results in high shots.

To counter this, golfers should focus on maintaining a shallow angle of attack. This can be achieved by initiating the downswing with the lower body and ensuring a smooth transition from the top of the backswing.

Practicing drills that promote a shallow angle of attack can help ingrain this change in your swing.

It is also worth noting that a steep swing path isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Some of the best professional golfers that have steep swing paths. However, if you struggle with hitting the ball to high, flattening your swing may due the trick.

3. Club Selection and Loft Management

The choice of club significantly influences the trajectory of the shot. Clubs with lower lofts, such as a 1-iron instead of a 9-iron, will naturally have a lower ball flight.

Knowing this, golfers can club down and shorten their swing to keep the ball trajectory low.  

This is particularly important in windy conditions where a high ball flight can be easily affected.

Understanding the loft of each club and its impact on shot height empowers golfers to make informed decisions based on the desired outcome.

4. Impact Position and Follow Through

The impact position is a critical moment in the golf swing. A slightly forward ball position at impact can reduce excessive loft and promote a more penetrating ball flight.

Additionally, a correct follow-through ensures that the clubhead continues on the correct path, influencing the trajectory.

Balancing your weight on the front foot and extending your arms through the follow-through can contribute to a more controlled and consistent ball flight.

5. Utilizing Training Aids and Technology

Golfers have access to advanced training aids and technology that can provide real-time insights into their swing and ball flight characteristics.

Launch monitors, for example, offer data on launch angle, spin rate, and ball speed. Analyzing this data can reveal patterns and inconsistencies in your shots, helping you identify areas for improvement.

Utilizing these tools under the guidance of a professional coach can expedite your progress in controlling ball flight.

6. Practice Drills for Consistency

Practice is the key to mastery in golf. Incorporating specific drills into your practice routine can help ingrain the necessary changes to your swing and ball flight.

For instance, practicing a shallower angle of attack by sweeping a tee placed on the ground can help you achieve a more penetrating ball flight.

Likewise, incorporating drills that focus on impact position and follow-through can yield consistent results over time.

How Do You Get Lower Ball Flight With A Driver?

Achieving a lower ball flight with a driver involves a combination of adjustments in technique and equipment setup.

Firstly, consider teeing the ball lower than usual. This encourages a more sweeping strike, minimizing the chances of getting under the ball and promoting a lower trajectory.

Secondly, focus on your ball position in your stance. Slightly moving the ball back in your stance – closer to your right foot for a right-handed golfer – can help create a steeper angle of attack, resulting in a lower launch angle.

Additionally, concentrate on a controlled, smoother swing that generates less spin. Reducing the amount of backspin on the ball can help keep it lower in flight.

Remember to maintain a strong, stable posture throughout the swing, and experiment with your grip pressure to achieve a controlled, penetrating ball flight that’s better suited for challenging conditions or maximizing roll on the fairway.

Final Thoughts

Golf swing fundamentals are extremely important for your success on the course. Get it wrong and you may see soaring shots.

This article has explored why this happens and given you six ways to fix it. We talked about fixing your grip and how you stand. These set up your swing. Then, we looked at how your swing works.

Making it smoother and flatter can help. Choosing the right club and how you hold it can also make a difference. When you hit the ball and how you follow through matters too.

For hitting the ball lower with your driver, try teeing it lower and placing it a bit farther back. Swing steadily and make less spin. Stay strong and steady as you swing.

Remember, golf takes practice, but now you have some tricks up your sleeve. As you go out to play, use these tips to control your shots better. Your golf game is ready for an upgrade!

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